Nvapi sample
Description. Header translation nvapi.h => NvAPI.pas. NvAPI provides an interface to NVIDIA devices. This file contains the interface constants, structure definitions and function prototypes. Anisotropic sample optimization limits the number of anisotropic samples used based on texel size. Disable SLI (Explicitly set through NVAPI). If you know what this setting does, please add a NVAPI allows a low(er) level implementation of the Nvidia GPU inside Wine/Proton and utilization of nvidia-only features like DLSS and RTX on an actual Linux. Tegra had to be open sourced if they This is a self-contained music sequencer and sample playback engine for playing the generated music files. nvapi allows displaying 3D images of Nvidia graphics card on a powerful display. Downloads. Samples. Support. APIs from nvapi.dll. developer.nvidia.com/nvapi. NvAPI_EnumLogicalGPUs 48B3EA59h _NvAPI_GetPhysicalGPUsFromDisplay 34EF9506h _NvAPI_GetPhysicalGPUFromUnAttachedDisplay 5018ED61h I found some old NvAPI documentation that has some information on the NvAPI_GPU_SetCoolerLevels function that may be helpful (this and many other functions aren't Details: NVAPI NvAPI_GPU_GetThermalSettings: NVAPI_ERROR ; However sometimes it will work Certain sophisticated video games and software applications use nvapi.dll to get access to certain The latest NVAPI release now offers tools to simplify the implementation of VRS foveated rendering. The initially released low-level VRS NVAPIs provide fully customizable functionality for VR rendering.
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